Filename Encoding and Decoding

The filename encoding and decoding is on one hand designed based on special characters representing a token for the file name scanners and parsers, on the other hand it is targeting a flexible representation in human readable formats. Therefore in modern environments this makes use of multiple character sets and internaionalization. This in particular makes excessive use of the character and string encoding and decoding.

Basics of Encoding and Decoding

The encoding and decoding is commonly designed as a hierarchy for the conversion of bits into human readable symbols. The sub-processes are commonly designed as a stack of conversion routines where the bottom layer represents the machine language, and the top layer the written loacalized human language. The stack itself defines commonly the sublayers of the syntactic information units:

  • String - groups of characters
  • Multilingual Character - one or more bytes with special mapping onto complex human language characters, most popular Unicode
  • Character - a byte with special mapping onto a human language character
  • Byte - group of bits
  • Bit

Python Encoding and Decoding Facilities

The encoding and decoding is one of the major changes from Python2 to Python3. This causes for the proting of several opensource projects larger impacts resulting in comprising coding efforts, even in thorougly and clean designs.

The following definitions apply:

  • encoding Encrypt into the direction of machine language
  • decoding Decrypt into the direction of human language


Python2 distinguishes basically the encoding stack into 5-encoding-layers.

  1. unicode - Strings a multi-character arrays
  1. str - Strings a single-character arrays
  1. raw - characters in arrays - ASCII / order
  1. bytes as int - bit groups
  1. bits - bits which may not, but could be used in general raw processing

encodingdecodinghierarchypython2 zoom

The special case is here bytes which represent a prepration for the migration to Python3, but neither has a real distinction to the Python2 str type, nor prerents a call compatible interface.

Thus it seems to be a general viable approach to prefer the encode() and decode() calls.


Python3 distinguishes basically the encoding stack into 4-encoding-layers.

  1. str - Strings a unicode character arrays, either one or more characters
  1. bytes - characters in arrays - ASCII / order
  1. bytes as int - bit groups
  1. bits - bits which may not, but could be used in general raw processing

encodingdecodinghierarchypython3 zoom

The unicode class is migrated into the str class. The raw string is replaced by the bytes class. This in particular leaves some Python2 calls non-compilable. Thus it seems to be a general viable approach to prefer the encode() and decode() calls in case of shared code with Python2.

Shared Code for Python2 and Python3

The access to file system path names as in general to resource path names reauires commonly the processing of localized names and segments. Thus the encoding and decoding is minor but essential detail for internationalized applications.

The basic approach provided by filesysobjects is to evaluate the current platform and provide some constants.

V3K = False  #: Python3.5+
if version_info[:2] > (3, 4):
   V3K = True
   ISSTR = (str, bytes)  #: string and unicode
   unicode = str  # @ReservedAssignment
   """Superpose for generic Python3 compatibility."""

elif version_info[:2] > (2, 6) and version_info[:2][0] < 3:
   ISSTR = (str, unicode)  #: string and unicode

   raise FileSysObjectsError(
       "Requires Python 2.7+, or 3.5+:" +
  • V3K

    Provides a constant tih the values True for Python3.5+, and False els.

  • unicode

    Remaps the unicode class onto the str class.


    The reassignment of the Python build-in classes is a casual and smart approach, for the porting and shared code between Python2 and Python3, e.g.

    unicode = str  # 2 => 3

    The remapping has sadly some limits, when it comes to bytes in Python3. This is beacuse the str() call is actually a constructor which calls bytes.__str__()/bytes.__repr__(). Both of these calls mix-up type and content information in their results, which makes it basically impossible to use ste standard str as a literal replacement for the unicode class from the box:

    In [1]: repr(bytes('a'))
    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-1-4cd3098acb34> in <module>()
    ----> 1 repr(bytes('a'))
    TypeError: string argument without an encoding
    In [2]: repr(bytes('a', 'ascii'))
    Out[2]: "b'a'"
    In [3]: len(repr(bytes('a', 'ascii')))
    Out[3]: 4
    In [4]: str(bytes('a', 'ascii'))
    Out[4]: "b'a'"
    In [5]: len(str(bytes('a', 'ascii')))
    Out[5]: 4

    So also in the case of using e.g. functools.partial(), the prepended char ‘b’ as type information breaks the current standard constructor of the str class. See also ‘Issue32078 - string result of str(bytes()) in Python3’ [ISSUE32078].


    Defines a tuple of string representation classes for dytnamic type checks.

As a result, the full degree application of encode() and decode() is currently the most reliable approach for complex text processing which may include arbitrary languages including processed regular expressions.

For minor shared coded requirements the remapping works fine.

Call Interfaces

The following major interfaces are provided for encoding and decoding.

  Python2 Python3 Remarks
bytes => str str(x), x.decode(‘ascii’) x.decode(‘ascii’), x.decode(‘utf_8’) 2:bytes==str
bytes => unicode x.decode(‘utf_8’) arg = str(arg_b,’utf_8’), x.decode(‘utf_8’) 3: NOK: str(arg_b) -> str: b’\u0041\u0042/’
raw => bytes bytes(x) bytes(x, ‘ascii’), x.encode(‘ascii’) 2:bytes==str, 3:bytes==raw-str
raw => str str(x) str(x), x.decode(‘utf_8’) 2:bytes==str, 3:bytes==raw-str
raw => unicode unicode(x) str(x), x.decode(‘utf_8’) 2:bytes==str, 3:bytes==raw-str
str => bytes x.encode(‘ascii’) bytes(x, ‘ascii’), x.encode(‘ascii’) 2:bytes==str
str => raw x.encode(‘ascii’) bytes(x, ‘ascii’), x.encode(‘ascii’) 3:bytes==raw-str
str => unicode unicode(x), x.decode(‘utf_8’) 3: str == unicode
unicode => bytes x.encode(‘ascii’) x.encode(‘ascii’), bytes(‘ascii’)  
unicode => str x.encode(‘ascii’) 3: str == unicode

See [codecsStandard] for standard codecs.

Special Remarks:

  • bytes => str - Python2

    Because bytes is a str, the x.decode(‘ascii’) call results in unitype.

Supported Encodings

The filesysobjects supports as input and ouput str, raw-str and unicode. The str and unicode are in Python3 the same, while in Python2 these are different types. The type bytes has to be converted into an str for Python3, while it is the same type as str, thus could not be distinguished.

Input API Output   Remarks
    Python2 Python3  
str str str str(unicode) 3: unicode == str
raw raw str str(unicode) raw str
unicode unicode/str str str(unicode) 3: unicode == str

The limit is given here by the internal re based scanners and parsers. The input type is kept for the output values, or choosen as close to the original as possible.