Howto Pretty Print Paths

The filesysobjects.pprint module provides pretty printers for resource addresses. This includes vatious targets formats of string output, including console display, and formats of syntaxes for automated processing such as INI, CONF, JSON, XML, and YAML.

About Source Platform and Target Platform

The platform defines the representation syntax of the resource path. E.g. the spf=’win32’ defines the os.pathsep=’;’, and the default os.sep=’\’, while the spf=’posix’ defines the os.pathsep=’:’, and the default os.sep=’/’, the latter category of platforms is e.g. the same for the family of the platforms Linux as spf=’linux’ or spf=’RTE_LINUX’.

For additional details refer to Platform Definitions.

The Source Platform - spf

The Target Platform - tpf

Pretty Print Search Parths

Output for awk scripts

List ARRAY syntax

Output for bash scripts

PATH syntax

List ARRAY syntax

Output for CONF Files

Output for CFG Files

Output for INI Files

ini syntax

ini0 syntax

ini1 syntax

ini2 syntax

Output as JSON

Output as LUA

Output for properties Files

Output as Python Syntax

Output as XML

Output as YAML