# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The filesysobjects.pprint module provides pretty printer for paths.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os
from filesysobjects import V3K, ISSTR, RTE, PrettyPrintError
# for some display enhancements, for now uses the initial only
if V3K:
columns, rows = os.get_terminal_size(0) # @UndefinedVariable
import curses
stdscr = curses.initscr()
columns, rows = stdscr.getmaxyx()
# common defaults
columns = 80
rows = 24
from filesysobjects.apppaths import splitapppathx
__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Arno-Can Uestuensoez" \
"@Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__version__ = '0.1.20'
__uuid__ = "4135ab0f-fbb8-45a2-a6b1-80d96c164b72"
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
[docs]class PPPathVar(object):
"""Pretty printer for *PATH* variables.
[docs] def __init__(self, path, **kargs):
"""Pretty print search path variables.
Splits and returns the formatted printable string for
search path variables of type *PATH*.
The input: ::
posix: path = "/path/entry/0:/path/entry/1"
win32: path = "\\path/entry\\0;\\path\\entry\\1"
results in the output of 'format=console': ::
...MYPATH = [
for the output parameters: ::
<format>: the output format, here format='console'
'MYPATH': the prefix, here 'MYPATH'
'=': the assignchar, here '='
"/path/entry/0": first path entry
"/path/entry/1": second path entry
'.' * n: 'n' offset, here n=3
'.': offsetchar, here '.'
':' * m: 'm' indent, here m=4
':': indentchar, here ':'
For further details and examples refer to the manual.
The search path to be pretty printed. ::
path := (
| <list-of-search-paths>
| <tuple-of-search-paths>
search-path-string := "string of PATH syntax, see 'tpf' and 'spf'"
list-of-search-paths := [<path-entry-0>, <path-entry-1>, ...]
tuple-of-search-paths := (<path-entry-0>, <path-entry-1>, ...)
The character representing the assignment.
The output format.::
format := (
console # formatted for console display
| ini # simple path print with normalized path
| inix0 # multiline colon separated list
| inix1 # multiple key repetition
| json # JSON syntax module
| properties #
| python # same as json
| xml # XML syntax module
| yaml # YAML syntax module
See manual for details.
Indention of each path item. ::
indent := <#int>
default := 4
The character used for padding of the indention.
The use of 'indentchar[0]' only is forced. ::
offsetchar := <printable-character>
default := ' ' # space
Indention clipped overflows for of each individual
path item. ::
indent := <#int>
default := 2
The character user for extra padding of clipped
items. The use of 'indentchar[0]' only is forced. ::
offsetchar := <printable-character>
default := ' ' # space
Preserves path entries from overflow
handling. ::
keepentry := (
True # ignore overflow for single path entries
| False # applies overflow processing within single
# path entries
The maximal line width.
default := 80
The output line separator.
default := os.linesep
Controls the print of a line separator at the end
of the string. ::
linesepfinal := (
True # prints a line separator as last character
| False # suppress the final line separator
default := True
The left side offset margin for all output strings. ::
offset := <#int>
default := 0
The character used for padding of a general offset.
The use of 'offsetchar[0]' only is forced. ::
offsetchar := <printable-character>
default := ' ' # space
The behavior, when line is longer than
*maxwidth*. ::
overflow := (
'ignore' # ignores overflow
| 'cut' # drops the overflow
| 'clip' # continues with the overflow
# in next line, starts new for
# next item
| 'clipmerge' # continues with the overflow
# in next line, concatenates
# next item
default := 'ignore'
The input path separator.
default := os.pathsep
The output path separator.
default := os.pathsep
The prefix to be printed first. ::
prefix := "string without line breaks"
The output is: ::
<prefix> = [
default := 'PATH'
Source platform.
Target platform.
self.assignchar = kargs.get("assignchar", '=')
self.format = kargs.get("format", 'console')
self.indent = kargs.get("indent", 4)
self.indentchar = kargs.get("indentchar", ' ')
self.indentclip = kargs.get("indentclip", 2)
self.indentclipchar = kargs.get("indentclipchar", ' ')
self.keepentry = kargs.get("keepentry", True)
self.linesep = kargs.get("linesep", os.linesep)
self.linesepfinal = kargs.get("linesepfinal", True)
self.maxwidth = kargs.get("maxwidth", columns)
self.offset = kargs.get("offset", 0)
self.offsetchar = kargs.get("offsetchar", ' ')
self.overflow = kargs.get("overflow", 'ignore')
self.pathsepin = kargs.get("pathsepin", os.pathsep)
self.pathsepout = kargs.get("pathsepout", os.pathsep)
self.prefix = kargs.get("prefix", 'PATH')
# self.tpf = kargs.get("tpf", RTE)
kw = {}
self.tpf = kargs.pop("tpf")
kw['tpf'] = self.tpf
except KeyError:
self.tpf = False
self.spf = kargs.pop("spf")
kw['spf'] = self.spf
except KeyError:
self.spf = False
self._raw = path
if type(path) in ISSTR:
self.path = splitapppathx(
path, apppre=False, pathsep=self.pathsepin,
elif type(path) in (list, tuple):
# lists and tuples are expected to be split resource paths.
self.path = path
raise PrettyPrintError("type not supported: " +str(path))
[docs] def __str__(self):
"""Pretty prints as defined by the creation parameters.
if self.format.lower() == 'console':
return self.str_console()
elif self.format.lower() == 'ini':
return self.str_ini()
elif self.format.lower() == 'inix0':
return self.str_inix0()
elif self.format.lower() == 'inix1':
return self.str_inix1()
elif self.format.lower() == 'inix2':
return self.str_inix2()
elif self.format.lower() == 'json':
return self.str_json()
elif self.format.lower() == 'properties':
return self.str_properties()
elif self.format.lower() == 'xml':
return self.str_xml()
elif self.format.lower() == 'yaml':
return self.str_yaml()
return self.str_console()
def str_console(self):
"""Creates the string for standard display output.
res = ''
offset = self.offset
offsetstr = self.offset * self.offsetchar
indent = offset + self.indent
indentstr = offsetstr + self.indent * self.indentchar
indentclip = indent + self.indentclip
indentclipstr = indentstr + self.indentclip * self.indentclipchar
if self.overflow == 'clipmerge':
# the complete string
resi = self.prefix + ' ' + self.assignchar + ' "' + self.pathsepout.join(self.path)
l0 = len(resi)
if l0 < self.maxwidth:
# fits into current linen length
return resi + '"'
# needs clipping
res += offsetstr + resi[:self.maxwidth - offset - 1] + '"'# + self.linesep
plen = self.maxwidth - indent
lx = plen + offset - 1 # logically pushed back for an extra quote
while lx < l0:
res += self.linesep
res += indentstr + (
'"' + resi[lx : lx + plen-2] + '"'
) #+ self.linesep
lx += plen - 2
return res + self.linesep
res += offsetstr + self.prefix + ' ' + self.assignchar + ' [' + self.linesep
for p in self.path:
resi = '"%s' % (str(p))
l0 = len(resi)
if self.overflow == 'ignore':
res += indentstr + resi + '",' + self.linesep
elif l0 > (self.maxwidth - indent) and not self.keepentry:
plen = self.maxwidth - indent
res += indentstr + resi[:plen]
if self.overflow == 'cut':
res = res[:-2] + '*"' + self.linesep
elif self.overflow == 'clip':
res = res[:-1] + '"' + self.linesep
plen = self.maxwidth - indentclip
lx = plen + 1 # extra quote
plen -= self.indentclip
while lx < l0:
res += indentclipstr + (
'"' + resi[lx : lx + plen] + '"'
) + self.linesep
lx += plen
res = res[:-len(self.linesep) - 1] + '",' + self.linesep
res += indentstr + resi + '",' + self.linesep
if res.endswith(',' + self.linesep):
res = res[:-len(',' + self.linesep)] + self.linesep
if self.linesepfinal:
res += offsetstr + ']' + self.linesep
res += offsetstr + ']'
return res
def str_ini(self):
"""Creates the string for standard *INI* format.
offsetstr = self.offset * self.offsetchar
# the complete string
if self.linesepfinal:
return offsetstr + self.prefix + ' ' + self.assignchar + ' "' + self.pathsepout.join(self.path) + '"'+ self.linesep
return offsetstr + self.prefix + ' ' + self.assignchar + ' "' + self.pathsepout.join(self.path) + '"'
def str_inix0(self):
"""Creates the string for extended *INI* format
based on colon separated multi-line lists.
res = ''
offsetstr = self.offset * self.offsetchar
indentstr = offsetstr + self.indent * self.indentchar
res += offsetstr + self.prefix + ' ' + self.assignchar + ' '
for p in self.path:
res += self.linesep
res += indentstr + ':%s' % (str(p))
if self.linesepfinal:
return res + self.linesep
return res
def str_inix1(self):
"""Creates the string for the extended *INI* format
based on multiple key repetition.
res = ''
offsetstr = self.offset * self.offsetchar
for p in self.path:
resi = self.prefix + ' ' + self.assignchar + ' %s' % (str(p))
res += offsetstr + resi + self.linesep
if self.linesepfinal:
return res
return res[:-len(self.linesep)]
def str_inix2(self):
"""Creates the string for the extended *INI* format
based on multiple keys with incremented index extension.
res = ''
offsetstr = self.offset * self.offsetchar
idx = 0
for p in self.path:
resi = self.prefix + str(idx) + ' ' + self.assignchar + ' %s' % (str(p))
res += offsetstr + resi + self.linesep
idx += 1
if self.linesepfinal:
return res
return res[:-len(self.linesep)]
def str_json(self):
"""Creates the string for standard *INI* format.
res = ''
offsetstr = self.offset * self.offsetchar
indentstr = offsetstr + self.indent * self.indentchar
res += offsetstr + '"' + self.prefix + '": ['
empty = True
for p in self.path:
empty = False
res += self.linesep
resi = '"%s' % (str(p))
res += indentstr + resi + '",'
if empty:
res += self.linesep + offsetstr + ']'
res = res[:-1] + self.linesep + offsetstr + ']'
if self.linesepfinal:
return res + self.linesep
return res
def str_properties(self):
"""Creates the string for standard *INI* format.
res = ''
# self.assignchar = kargs.get("assignchar", '=')
# self.format = kargs.get("format", 'print')
# self.indent = kargs.get("indent", 4)
# self.indent = kargs.get("indent", 4)
# self.indentchar = kargs.get("indentchar", ' ')
# self.indentclip = kargs.get("indentclip", 2)
# self.keepentry = kargs.get("keepentry", True)
# self.keepentry = kargs.get("keepentry", True)
# self.linesep = kargs.get("linesep", os.linesep)
# self.maxwidth = kargs.get("maxwidth", 80)
# self.maxwidth = kargs.get("maxwidth", columns)
# self.offset = kargs.get("offset", 4)
# self.offsetchar = kargs.get("offsetchar", ' ')
# self.overflow = kargs.get("overflow", 'clip')
# self.overflow = kargs.get("overflow", 'ignore')
# self.pathsepin = kargs.get("pathsepin", os.pathsep)
# self.pathsepout = kargs.get("pathsepout", os.pathsep)
# self.prefix = kargs.get("prefix", path.__name__)
return res
def str_xml(self):
"""Creates the string for standard *XML* format.
res = ''
offsetstr = self.offset * self.offsetchar
indentstr = offsetstr + self.indent * self.indentchar
res += offsetstr + '<' + self.prefix + '>' + self.linesep
idx = 0
for p in self.path:
resi = '<entry idx=' + str(idx) + '>' + '%s' % (str(p)) + '</entry>'
res += indentstr + resi + self.linesep
idx += 1
if self.linesepfinal:
res += offsetstr + '</' + self.prefix + '>' + self.linesep
res += offsetstr + '</' + self.prefix + '>'
return res
def str_yaml(self):
"""Creates the string for standard *INI* format.
res = ''
offsetstr = self.offset * self.offsetchar
indentstr = offsetstr + self.indent * self.indentchar
res += offsetstr + self.prefix + ':'
for p in self.path:
resi = '- ' + '%s' % (str(p))
res += self.linesep + indentstr + resi
if self.linesepfinal:
return res + self.linesep
return res
return res
[docs] def __repr__(self):
return repr(self._raw)
def raw(self):
return self._raw