# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The 'filesysobjects.apppaths' module provides operations on static application resource paths.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import re
import glob
from pysourceinfo.fileinfo import getcaller_pathname, getcaller_filepathname
from pysourceinfo.helper import getpythonpath_rel
from filesysobjects import FileSysObjectsError, AppPathError, PathError, ISSTR, \
from filesysobjects.paths import normpathx, escapepathx, unescapepathx, gettpf, getspf
__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Arno-Can Uestuensoez" \
"@Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__version__ = '0.1.20'
__uuid__ = "4135ab0f-fbb8-45a2-a6b1-80d96c164b72"
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
# for test and development
_mydebug = False
# *** static compiled strings ***
# pathname seperator
if RTE & RTE_WIN32:
OSSEP = os.path.sep #: os separator
OSSEPCLS = '[\\\\]' #: character class os separator
OSSEPCLSN = '[^\\\\]' #: character class without separator
OSSEP = os.path.sep #: os separator
OSSEPCLS = '[/]' #: character class os separator
OSSEPCLSN = '[^/]' #: character class without separator
# prohibited characters for optional validation - see strict options
#: windows: ::
#: r'[:<>*?]'
INVALIDCHARSWIN = re.compile(r'[:<>*?]')
#: posix: ::
#: r'\0'
INVALIDCHARSPOSIX = re.compile(r'\0')
#: posix + windows: ::
#: r'[:<>*?\0]'
INVALIDCHARS = re.compile(r'[:<>*?\0]') #: super position of both: r'[:<>*?\0]'
#: maps unambiguous escape characters to escape sequences
'\a': "\\a",
'\b': "\\b",
'\f': "\\f",
'\n': "\\n",
'\r': "\\r",
'\t': "\\t",
'\v': "\\v",
#: maps escape characters for escape sequences to unescape
'a': "\a",
'b': "\b",
'f': "\f",
'n': "\n",
'r': "\r",
't': "\t",
'v': "\v",
# pylint: disable-msg=W0105
#: Dummy for same group count for processing.
_DUMMY = """(()|())"""
#: The tail of a path atom including possible escaped os.pathsep as ordinary character
_NOSEP_COL = """(
#: The tail of a path atom including possible escaped os.pathsep as ordinary character
_NOSEP_SEM = """(
# [MS-DTYP] - 2.2.57 - UNC definitions
# pchar = %x20-21 / %x23-29 / %x2D-2E / %x30-39 / %x40-5A / %x5E-7B / %x7D-FF
# pchar = r'[\x20-\x21\x23-\x29\x2D-\x2E\x30-\x39\x40-\x5A\x5E-\x7B\x7D-\xFF]'
# pchar="""[^\x00-\x1f\x22\x2a-\x2c\x2f\x3a-\x3f\x5b-\x5d\x7c]"""
#: Scanner/Parser for colon based search path separator: ::
#: os.pathsep == ':'
#: The applied rules are: ::
#: 4: ('file://[/]' +2SEP | unc://) +(host) +1SEP +(share) +(object) # [MS-DTYP] 2.2.57
#: 12: ('file://') +() +() +(drive) +(path) # RFC8089 -
#: 20: ('file://') +(auth) +() +() +(path) # RFC8089 - non-local files
#: 28: ('file://|file:') +() +() +() +(path) # RFC8089 - traditional
#: 36: ('smb://'|'cifs://') +(host) +1SEP +(share) +(path) # RFC-SMB
#: 44: (2SEP) +(host) +1SEP +(share) +(path) # [MS-DTYP] 2.2.57 - a share present
#: 52: (scheme '://') +(auth) +1SEP +(path) +"?" +(query-fragment) # RFC3869
#: 60: () +() +() +(drive) +(path) # MS-DOS / WIN
#: 68: () +() +() +(drive) +(path) # MS-DOS / WIN
#: 76: () +() +() +(drive) +() # MS-DOS / WIN
#: 84: () +() +() +() +(path) # general filesystems
#: 92: () +() +() +() +()
#: 94 os.pathsep
((file://[/]{0,1}[/\\\\]{2}|unc://)(.{0,1}[^/\\\\]+)[/\\\\]([^/\\\\]+)[/\\\\]*([/\\\\]""" + _NOSEP_COL + """)) # 4
|((file:///{0,1}|file:)()([a-zA-Z]:)[/\\\\]*?([/\\\\]{0,1}""" + _NOSEP_COL + """)) # 12
|((file://)([^/\\\\]+)()(""" + _NOSEP_COL + """)) # 20
|((file://|file:)()()(""" + _NOSEP_COL + """)) # 28
|((smb://|cifs://)([^/]{0,1}[^/\\\\]*)[/\\\\]+([^/\\\\]+)[/\\\\]*([/\\\\]""" + _NOSEP_COL + """)) # 36
|(([\\\\]{2}|[/]{2})(?![:])([^/\\\\]+)[/\\\\]([^/\\\\]+)[/\\\\]*([/\\\\]""" + _NOSEP_COL + """)) # 44
|(([^:/?#]{2,}://)([^/]{0,1}[^/\\\\]*)[/\\\\]*?([/]{0,1}[^?:;]+)([?]""" + _NOSEP_COL + """){0,1}) # 52
|(()()([a-zA-Z]:)([/\\\\]+?""" + _NOSEP_COL + """)) # 60
|(()()([a-zA-Z]:)(""" + _NOSEP_COL + """)) # 68
|(()()([a-zA-Z]:)(""" + _DUMMY + """)) # 76
|(()()()""" + _NOSEP_COL + """()) # 84
|(()()()()""" + _DUMMY + """(?=[:])) # 92
)[:]?) # 94
""", re.X) # @UndefinedVariable
#: Scanner/Parser for semicolon based search path separator. ::
#: os.pathsep == ';'
#: The applied rules are corresponding to *APPPATHSCANNER_COL*.
((file://[/]{0,1}[/\\\\]{2}|unc://)(.{0,1}[^/\\\\]+)[/\\\\]([^/\\\\]+)[/\\\\]*([/\\\\]""" + _NOSEP_SEM + """)) # 4
|((file:///{0,1}|file:)()([a-zA-Z]:)[/\\\\]*?([/\\\\]{0,1}""" + _NOSEP_SEM + """)) # 12
|((file://)([^/\\\\]+)()(""" + _NOSEP_SEM + """)) # 20
|((file://|file:)()()(""" + _NOSEP_SEM + """)) # 28
|((smb://|cifs://)([^/]{0,1}[^/\\\\]*)[/\\\\]+([^/\\\\]+)[/\\\\]*([/\\\\]""" + _NOSEP_SEM + """)) # 36
|(([\\\\]{2}|[/]{2})(?![:])([^/\\\\]+)[/\\\\]([^/\\\\]+)[/\\\\]*([/\\\\]""" + _NOSEP_SEM + """)) # 44
|(([^;/?#]{2,}://)([^/]{0,1}[^/\\\\]*)[/\\\\]*?([/]{0,1}[^?:;]+)([?]""" + _NOSEP_SEM + """){0,1}) # 52
|(()()([a-zA-Z]:)([/\\\\]+?""" + _NOSEP_SEM + """)) # 60
|(()()([a-zA-Z]:)(""" + _NOSEP_SEM + """)) # 68
|(()()([a-zA-Z]:)(""" + _DUMMY + """)) # 76
|(()()()""" + _NOSEP_SEM + """()) # 84
|(()()()()""" + _DUMMY + """(?=[;])) # 92
)[;]?) # 94
""", re.X) # @UndefinedVariable
#: Helper with group indexes pointing onto the supported syntax terms of *APPPATHSCANNER*.
92, )
#: Helper with human readable enums for types of path variable elements of *APPPATHINDEX*.
'lfsys', )
#: Helper with human readable enums for secondary level-2 types of *APPTYPES*.
'http://': ('http',),
'https://': ('https',),
'smb://': ('smb',),
'cifs://': ('smb',), # non-standard
'unc://': ('share',), # non-standard
'\\\\': ('share',),
'//': ('share',),
# *** splits environment variables ***
if RTE & RTE_WIN32:
_ENV_SPLIT = re.compile( #: Split-out environment variables for substitution.
(([^%]*?)([%][a-zA-Z0-9_]+[%])) # 2: defined without brace
| (([^%]*?)([%][a-zA-Z0-9_]+[^%]?)) # 5: ERROR:
| ((.*)()) # 8: any
""", re.X) # @UndefinedVariable
_ENV_SPLITg = [ #: Entry points into sub strings environment variables and literals.
_ENV_SPLIT = re.compile( #: Split-out environment variables for substitution.
(([^$]*?)([$][{][a-zA-Z0-9_]+[}])) # 2: defined with brace
| (([^$]*?)([$][a-zA-Z0-9_]+[;]?)) # 5: defined without brace
| (([^$]*?)([$][{][a-zA-Z0-9_]+[^}]?)) # 8: ERROR:
| ((.*)()) # 11: any
""", re.X) # @UndefinedVariable
_ENV_SPLITg = [ #: Entry points into sub strings environment variables and literals.
# pylint: enable-msg=W0105
_tpf_num = {
'default': RTE,
'uri': RTE_URI, # TODO: replace by RTE_URI virtual platform bit
'http': RTE_HTTP, # TODO: replace by RTE_URI virtual platform bit
'https': RTE_HTTPS, # TODO: replace by RTE_URI virtual platform bit
'posix': RTE_POSIX,
'win': RTE_WIN32,
'win32': RTE_WIN32,
'local': RTE,
[docs]def addpath_to_searchpath(spath, plist=None, **kargs):
"""Adds a path to 'plist'.
In case of relative path searches in provided
'plist', or 'kargs[searchplist]'a hook, when found
verifies the existence within file system, in case
of success adds the completed path to 'plist' the list.
In case of 'glob' adds all entries.
A path to be added to 'plist'.
See common options for details.
Valid scope types:
* literal : X
* re : -
* blob : -
default := caller-file-position.
List to for the storage, and by default
search list too.
See common options for details.
default := sys.path
Append, this is equal to
Checks redundancy by resolving real path,
else literally.
Checks whether exists, else nothing is done.
A specific position for insertion
within range(0,len(plist)). ::
pos := #pos
Prepend, this is equal to
Add relative, allow redundant when
same is already present.
Add relative sub path to
provided base. ::
relative := <base>:
Alternative list to search for checks.
Source platform, defines the input syntax domain.
For the syntax refer to API in the manual at :ref:`spf <OPTS_SPF>`.
For additi0onal details refer to
:ref:`tpf and spf <TPF_AND_SPF>`,
`paths.getspf() <paths.html#getspf>`_,
:ref:`normapppathx() <def_normapppathx>`,
`normpathx() <paths.html#normpathx>`_.
Source platform, defines the input syntax domain.
For the syntax refer to the API in the manual at :ref:`tpf <OPTS_TPF>`.
For additi0onal details refer to
:ref:`tpf and spf <TPF_AND_SPF>`,
`paths.gettpf() <paths.html#gettpf>`_,
:ref:`normapppathx() <def_normapppathx>`,
`normpathx() <paths.html#normpathx>`_.
When successful returns insertion position, else a 'value<0'.
The insertion position in case of multiple items is the position
of the last.
passed through exceptions
if plist == None:
plist = sys.path
_spf = kargs.get('spf', False)
_tpf = kargs.get('tpf', False)
_splist = kargs.get('searchplist', plist)
pos = 0
relative = None
_exist = False
_red = False
_chkr = False
for k, v in kargs.items():
if k == 'prepend':
pos = 0
elif k == 'append':
pos = -1
elif k == 'pos':
if not type(v) is int:
raise AppPathError("Digits required for 'pos'*" + str(pos)
+ ")")
pos = v
elif k == 'relative':
relative = v.split(os.pathsep)
elif k == 'exists':
_exist = v
elif k == 'redundant':
_red = v
elif k == 'checkreal':
_chkr = v
def _add(s):
if relative:
s = getpythonpath_rel(s, relative)
if not _red:
if _chkr:
for sx in map(lambda x: os.path.realpath(x), plist):
if os.path.realpath(s) == sx:
if s in plist:
if pos == -1:
return len(plist) - 1
plist.insert(pos, s)
return pos
# normalize
_start_elems = splitapppathx(spath, appsplit=True, **kargs)[0]
spath = splitapppathx_getlocalpath(_start_elems, tpf=_tpf)
if _exist:
if os.path.isabs(spath) and os.path.exists(spath):
return _add(spath)
elif os.path.exists(os.path.curdir + os.sep + spath):
return _add(os.path.normpath(os.path.curdir + os.sep + spath))
for s in _splist[:]:
if os.path.exists(s + os.sep + spath):
pos = _add(s + os.sep + spath)
if os.path.isabs(spath):
return _add(spath)
elif os.path.exists(os.path.curdir + os.sep + spath):
return _add(os.path.normpath(os.path.curdir + os.sep + spath))
for s in _splist[:]:
if os.path.exists(s + os.sep + spath):
pos = _add(s + os.sep + spath)
return pos
[docs]def delpath_from_searchpath(dellist, plist=None, **kargs):
"""Deletes a list of paths from 'plist'.
A list of paths to be deleted
from 'plist'. Valid scope types:
* literal : X
* re : X
* glob : X
see kargs[regexpr|glob].
default := None
List of search paths.
default := sys.path
The following keys are additional before
comparison, on 'dellist' only when no
match pattern is provided:
Calls on both: os.path.normcase
Calls on both: escapepathx/unescapepathx
Calls on both: os.path.exists
Calls on both: not os.path.exists
Calls on both: normpathx
Calls on both: os.path.normpath
Calls on both: os.path.realpath
Input is a list of
regular expressions,
just processed by
process glob, and check
containment in set
When successful returns True, else False.
passed through exceptions
if plist == None:
plist = sys.path
if not dellist:
return True
_exists = False
_rg = False
_raw = kargs.get('raw', False)
_real = kargs.get('real', False)
_norm = kargs.get('norm', False)
_case = kargs.get('case', False)
for k, v in kargs.items(): # @UnusedVariable
if k == 'exist':
_exist = True
_exists = True
elif k == 'noexist':
_exist = False
_exists = True
elif k == 'regexpr':
_reg = True
_glob = False
__rg = True
elif k == 'glob':
_reg = False
_glob = True
__rg = True
# seems to be sure
if type(dellist) == str:
dellist = [dellist]
for dl in dellist:
for pl in reversed(plist):
if not _raw:
if dl and len(dl) > 6 and dl[0:7] == 'file://':
dl = os.sep + dl[7:].lstrip(os.sep)
if pl and len(pl) > 6 and pl[0:7] == 'file://':
pl = os.sep + pl[7:].lstrip(os.sep)
if _real:
if not _rg:
dl = os.path.realpath(dl)
pl = os.path.realpath(pl)
if _norm:
if not _rg:
dl = os.path.normpath(dl)
pl = os.path.normpath(pl)
if _case:
if not _rg:
dl = os.path.normcase(dl)
pl = os.path.normcase(pl)
if _exists:
if _exist:
if not _rg:
if not os.path.exists(pl) or not os.path.exists(dl):
elif os.path.exists(pl):
if _rg:
if _reg:
if re.match(dl, pl):
elif _glob:
if pl in glob.glob(dl):
if dl == pl:
return True
[docs]def join_apppathx_entry(entry, **kw):
"""Assembles the components of an application path entry.
Known standard applications are: ::
cifs , file, ftp, http, https, smb, unc, uri
<unc-file-path>, <posix-app-file-path>
The path entry is not normalized again, thus
has to be in the appropriate platform syntax.
Application entry as provided by *splitapppathx()*.
Add application prefix.
Target platform.
Entry as a single stings.
res = ''
apppre = kw.get('apppre', True)
_tpf = kw.get('tpf', None)
if _tpf == None:
# use the entry is not tpf provided
_tpf = re.sub(r':.*$', '', entry[0])
elif type(_tpf) is int:
if _tpf & RTE_URI:
apppre = True
elif _tpf.lower() == 'uri':
# use the entry is not tpf provided
_tpf = re.sub(r':.*$', '', entry[0])
if _tpf in ('rfsys', 'lfsys', 'ldsys',):
_tpf = 'fileuri'
apppre = True
elif _tpf.lower() == 'rfsys':
if apppre:
_tpf = 'fileuri'
_tpf = 'share'
tsep, pathsep, tpf, rte, _apre = gettpf(_tpf, apppre=apppre) # @UnusedVariable
if apppre: # URI scheme allways uses a slash
tsep = '/'
if entry[0]: # URI/URL
if tpf == 'posix':
if apppre:
res = 'file://'
res += ''
tsep = '/'
if entry[1]:
if not res:
res = '//'
res += entry[1]
if entry[2]:
if entry[0] == 'ldsys' and not apppre:
res += entry[2]
res += tsep + entry[2]
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
elif tpf in ('win'):
if apppre:
res = 'file://'
tsep = '/'
res += ''
if entry[1]:
if not res:
res = '\\\\'
res += entry[1]
if entry[2]:
if entry[0] == 'ldsys' and not apppre:
res += entry[2]
res += tsep + entry[2]
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
elif tpf == 'unc':
if apppre:
res = 'file://///'
tsep = '/'
res += 2 * tsep
if entry[1]:
res += entry[1]
if entry[2]:
res += tsep + entry[2]
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
elif rte == RTE_SMB:
res = r'smb://'
tsep = '/'
if entry[1]:
res += entry[1]
if entry[2]:
res += tsep + entry[2]
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
elif tpf == 'cifs':
res = r'cifs://'
tsep = '/'
if entry[1]:
res += entry[1]
if entry[2]:
res += tsep + entry[2]
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
elif tpf in ('https', 'http',):
res = tpf + '://'
tsep = '/'
if entry[1]:
res += entry[1]
# entry 2 is share padding for path position comaptibility
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
if entry[4]:
if entry[4][0] == '?':
res += entry[4]
res += '?' + entry[4]
except IndexError:
elif tpf == 'ftp':
res = 'ftp://'
tsep = '/'
if entry[1]:
res += entry[1]
if entry[2]:
if entry[2][0] is not '/':
res += '/' + entry[2]
res += entry[2]
if entry[3]:
res += '?' + entry[3]
elif rte in (RTE_FILEURI4, RTE_FILEURI5,):
if rte == RTE_FILEURI4:
res = 'file:////'
elif rte == RTE_FILEURI5:
res = 'file://///'
tsep = '/'
if entry[1]:
res += entry[1]
if entry[2]:
res += tsep + entry[2]
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
elif rte == RTE_FILEURI0:
res = 'file:'
tsep = '/'
if entry[1]:
raise PathError(
"minimal representation does not support remote files systems"
+ str(entry[1])
if entry[2]:
if not re.match(r'[a-zA-Z]:', entry[2]):
raise PathError(
"minimal representation does not shares: "
+ str(entry[2])
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
elif tpf == 'file':
res = 'file://'
tsep = '/'
if entry[1]:
res += entry[1]
if entry[2]:
res += tsep + entry[2]
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
elif tpf == 'share':
if apppre:
if (rte & 255 | RTE_URI) == RTE_FILEURI0:
res = 'file://' # minimal
elif (rte & 255 | RTE_URI) == RTE_FILEURI4:
res = 'file:////' # traditional
#elif rte & 255 == RTE_FILEURI5 or rte & 255 == RTE_FILEURI:
res = 'file://///' # extra slash
tsep = '/'
res = 2 * tsep
if entry[1]:
res += entry[1]
if entry[2]:
res += tsep + entry[2]
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
elif tpf == 'rfsys':
if apppre:
res = r'file://'
if tpf == 'win':
res = '\\\\'
res = '//'
if entry[1]:
res += entry[1]
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
elif tpf == 'ldsys':
if apppre:
# RFC8089.E.2: URIs of the form "file:///c:/path/to/file" are already
# supported by the "path-absolute" rule.
res = 'file:///'
res += entry[2] + entry[3]
elif tpf == 'lfsys':
if apppre:
res = 'file://'
tsep = '/'
res += entry[3]
elif entry[0].lower() == 'lfsys':
if apppre:
res = 'file://'
tsep = '/'
res = ''
tsep = os.sep
if entry[1] or entry[2]:
raise PathError("local posix path requested: " + str(entry))
res += entry[3]
elif entry[0].lower() == 'ldsys':
if apppre:
# RFC8089.E.2: URIs of the form "file:///c:/path/to/file" are already
# supported by the "path-absolute" rule.
res = 'file:///'
res += entry[2] + entry[3]
elif entry[0].lower() == 'share':
if apppre:
if (rte & 255 | RTE_URI) == RTE_FILEURI0:
res = 'file://' # minimal
elif (rte & 255 | RTE_URI) == RTE_FILEURI4:
res = 'file:////' # traditional
#elif rte & 255 == RTE_FILEURI5 or rte & 255 == RTE_FILEURI:
res = 'file://///' # extra slash
tsep = '/'
res = 2 * tsep
if entry[1]:
res += entry[1]
if entry[2]:
res += tsep + entry[2]
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
elif entry[0].lower() == 'rfsys':
if apppre:
res = r'file://'
if tpf == 'win':
res = '\\\\'
res = '//'
if entry[1]:
res += entry[1]
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
else: # generic URI/URL
tsep = gettpf(tpf)[0]
ret = ''
ret += entry[0] + "://"
if entry[1]:
ret += entry[1]
if entry[3]:
if entry[3][0] == '/':
ret += entry[3]
ret += "/" + entry[3]
if entry[4]:
if entry[4][0] == '?':
ret += entry[4]
ret += "?" + entry[4]
return ret
else: # s.th. else - generic local path
if entry[2]:
res += 2 * tsep + entry[2]
if entry[3]:
res += entry[3]
return res
[docs]def normapppathx(spath, **kargs):
"""Generic extention of *normpathx()* by application schemes and search path syntax.
Accepts path, or search-path.
Supports the parameters of :ref:`splitapppathx() <def_splitapppathx>`
Application scheme.
Split into scheme and components of an application path.
Source platform.
Target platform.
Normalized path or search-path.
pass-through: see :ref:`splitapppathx() <def_splitapppathx>`
kargs['raw'] = False
# is default: kargs['normpathx'] = True
apppre = kargs.get('apppre')
if kargs.get('appsplit'):
return splitapppathx(spath, **kargs)
res = []
for apx in splitapppathx(spath, **kargs):
if type(apx) in ISSTR:
res.append(join_apppathx_entry(apx, **kargs))
_tpf = kargs.get('tpf')
if _tpf:
_tsep, _tpsep, _tpf, _t, _apre = gettpf(_tpf, apppre=apppre)
_tsep, _tpsep, _tpf, _t, _apre = gettpf(_tpf, apppre=apppre)
return _tpsep.join(res)
[docs]def set_uppertree_searchpath(start=None, top=None, plist=None, **kargs):
"""Prepends each directory path from from 'start' on upward to 'top'
in-place into *plist*. For example: ::
start := /my/top/a/b/c
top := /my/top
results in: ::
plist := [
Start components of a path string.
See common options for details.
Valid scope types:
* literal : X
* re : -
* blob : -
default := caller-file-position.
End component of a path string.
The node 'top' is included.
Valid scope types:
* literal : X
* re : -
* blob : -
default := <same-as-start>
List to for the storage.
See common options for details.
default := sys.path
Appends the set of search paths.
Ignore matches '< #idx',
adds match '== #idx' and returns.
matchidx := #idx
default := 0 # all
The maximal number of matches
returned when multiple occur. ::
Increment of match for top node when
multiple are in the path. ::
matchlvl := #num:
See common options for details.
Increment of match for top node when
multiple are in the path. ::
matchlvlbackward := #num:
See common options for details.
Suppress required identical types of 'top' and
'start'. As a rule of thumb for current
version, the search component has to be less
restrictive typed than the searched.
The default applicable type matches are::
top ¦ start
lfsys ¦ lfsys, ldsys, share
| smb, cifs,
ldsys ¦ ldsys
share ¦ share
smb ¦ smb
cifs ¦ cifs
http ¦ http, https
https ¦ https, http
See common options for details.
Prepends the set of search paths.
This is default.
Suppress normalization by call of
The paths are inserted relative to the
top node only. This is mainly for test
purposes. The intermix of relative and
absolute path entries is not verified.
This reverses the resulting search order
from bottom-up to top-down.
Insert non-present only, else present
entries are not checked, thus the search order
is changed in general for 'prepend', while
for 'append' the present still covers the new
When successful returns 'True', else returns either 'False',
or raises an exception.
if plist == None:
plist = sys.path
_relo = False
_matchcnt = 0
_matchidx = 0
set_uppertree_searchpath._matchcnt = 0
set_uppertree_searchpath._matchidx = 0
matchlvl = 0
matchlvlbackward = -1
reverse = False
unique = False
prepend = True
_tchk = True
_raw = False
_split = False
_sitem = False
for k, v in kargs.items():
if k == 'relonly':
_relo = True
elif k == 'matchcnt':
if not type(v) is int:
raise AppPathError("Digits only matchcnt:" + str(v))
_matchcnt = v
elif k == 'matchidx':
if not type(v) is int:
raise AppPathError("Digits only matchidx:" + str(v))
_matchidx = v
elif k == 'matchlvl':
if not type(v) is int:
raise AppPathError("Digits only matchlvl:" + str(v))
matchlvl = v
elif k == 'matchlvlbackward':
if not type(v) is int:
raise AppPathError("Digits only matchlvlbackward:" + str(v))
matchlvlbackward = v
elif k == 'reverse':
reverse = True
elif k == 'unique':
unique = True
elif k == 'append':
prepend = False
elif k == 'prepend':
prepend = True
elif k == 'raw':
_raw = True
elif k == 'splitItems':
_split = True
elif k == 'singleitem':
_sitem = True
elif k == 'noTypeCheck':
_tchk = False
if matchlvl > 0:
matchlvlbackward = -1
# Prepare search path list
# if decided to normalize, and whether to ignore leading '//'
if _raw: # match basically literally
_plst = []
for i in plist:
# normalize
_elems = splitapppathx(i, appsplit=True, **kargs)[0]
else: # normalize for safer match conditions
_plst = []
for i in plist:
# normalize
_elems = splitapppathx(i, appsplit=True, **kargs)[0]
# 0. prep start dir
if start == '':
raise AppPathError("Empty start:''")
elif start == None:
start = getcaller_filepathname(2) # caller file
# normalize
_start_elems = splitapppathx(start, appsplit=True, **kargs)[0]
start = splitapppathx_getlocalpath(_start_elems)
# try a literal
if not os.path.isabs(start):
start = getcaller_pathname(2) + os.sep + start
if os.path.isfile(start):
start = os.path.dirname(start) # we need dir
if not os.path.exists(start):
raise AppPathError("Missing start:" + str(start))
# 1. prep top dir
# normalize
if top == '':
raise AppPathError("Empty top:''")
elif top == None:
top = getcaller_pathname(2) # caller file
# normalize
_top_elems = list(splitapppathx(top, appsplit=True, **kargs)[0])
# ptype
if _tchk:
if _top_elems and _start_elems:
if _top_elems[0] != _start_elems[0]:
# TODO: still to enhance..
if _top_elems[0] in ('lfsys', ):
if os.path.realpath(_top_elems[3]):
elif _start_elems[0] in (
'lfsys', ):
raise AppPathError(
"'lfsys' combined with " + str(_start_elems[0]) +
" requires relative pathname for 'lfsys', given: "
+ str(_top_elems[3]))
raise AppPathError(
"This version requires compatible types: start(" +
str(_start_elems[0]) + ") =! top(" +
str(_top_elems[0]) + ")")
top = splitapppathx_getlocalpath(_top_elems)
# if absolute
if os.path.isabs(top):
if not os.path.exists(top):
raise AppPathError("Top does not exist:" + str(top))
def _addsub(x, pl=plist):
"""...same for all."""
# >3: nonlocal _matchcnt
if _matchcnt != 0 and _matchcnt <= set_uppertree_searchpath._matchcnt:
if _matchidx != 0 and _matchidx != set_uppertree_searchpath._matchidx:
if unique and x in pl or x in plist:
return False
if reverse:
pl.insert(0, x)
set_uppertree_searchpath._matchcnt += 1
# find top
if top:
if top == '.':
top = os.path.abspath(top)
# for now works with literal only
stop = top
if stop[0] != os.sep and stop[0] != start[0]:
stop = os.sep + stop
if stop[-1] != os.sep and stop[-1] != start[-1]:
stop = stop + os.sep
a = start.split(stop)
if len(a) == 1 and top != start:
raise AppPathError(
"Top-node is not in search path:\n top = %s\n start = %s" %
(str(top), str(start)))
if matchlvl >= len(a): # check valid range
raise AppPathError("Match count out of range:" + str(matchlvl)
+ ">" + str(len(a)))
# check valid range
elif matchlvlbackward > 0 and matchlvlbackward >= len(a):
raise AppPathError("Match count out of range:" +
str(matchlvlbackward) + ">" + str(len(a)))
if matchlvl > 0:
raise AppPathError("Match count out of range:" + str(matchlvl)
+ "> 0")
if matchlvlbackward > 0:
raise AppPathError("Match count out of range:" +
str(matchlvlbackward) + "> 0")
return True
# so we have actually at least one top within valid range and a remaining sub-path - let us start
if a == ['', '']: # top == start
if matchlvl > 0:
raise AppPathError("Match count out of range:" + str(matchlvl)
+ "> 0")
if matchlvlbackward > 0:
raise AppPathError("Match count out of range:" + str(matchlvl)
+ "> 0")
return True
elif a[0] == '': # top is prefix
_tpath = top
if matchlvlbackward >= 0:
mcnt = len(a) - 1 - matchlvlbackward
mcnt = matchlvl
_spath = top.join(a[mcnt + 1:]) # sub-path for search recursion
# get index for requested number of ignored/contained matches
if matchlvlbackward >= 0:
mcnt = len(a) - 1 - matchlvlbackward
mcnt = matchlvl + 1
# set matched prefix and postfix
if os.path.isabs(top):
_tpath = top
# sub-path for search recursion
_spath = (os.sep + top + os.sep).join(a[mcnt:])
elif not a[mcnt - 1]: # tail
_tpath = (os.sep + top + os.sep).join(a[:mcnt])
_spath = ''
# top path as search hook
_tpath = (os.sep + top + os.sep).join(a[:mcnt]) + os.sep + top
# sub-path for search recursion
_spath = (os.sep + top + os.sep).join(a[mcnt:])
_tpath = os.path.normpath(_tpath)
_spath = os.path.normpath(_spath)
if not os.path.isabs(top) and os.path.isabs(_spath):
_spath = _spath[1:]
if _relo: # relative paths, mainly for test
curp = ''
curp = os.path.normpath(_tpath)
if curp not in plist: # insert top itself
a = _spath.split(os.sep)
if prepend:
for p in a:
if not p:
curp = os.path.join(curp, p)
_buf = []
for p in a:
if not p:
curp = os.path.join(curp, p)
_addsub(curp, _buf)
return True
[docs]def splitapppathx(spath, **kargs):
"""Splits PATH variables which may include URI type prefixes into
a list of single path entries. The default behavior is to split
a search path into a list of contained path entries. E.g::
p = 'file:///a/b/c:/d/e::x/y:smb://host/share/q/w:http://host/a/b/:https://host/a?xy#123'
Is split into: ::
px = [
With parameter '*appsplit*' set the paths entries are sub-split into their schemes
and type specific items ::
px = [
('lfsys', '', '', '/a/b/c'),
('rfsys', 'host', '', '/a/b/c'),
('unc', 'host', 'share', '/a/b/c'),
('lfsys', '', '', '/d/e'),
('lfsys', '', '', ''),
('lfsys', '', '', 'x/y'),
('smb', 'host', 'share', 'q/w'),
('share', 'host', 'share', 'q/w'),
('share', 'host', 'share', 'q/w'),
('http', 'host', '', '/a/b/', ''),
('https', 'host', '', '/a', 'xy#123'),
For reserved prefix keywords as parts of the name, these
should be escaped.
The search path to be split.
The provided key-options are also transparently passed
through to 'normpathx()' `[see] <paths.html#normpathx>`_ - if not 'raw'.
Adds application prefix. ::
appsplit = (True|False)
default := False
Splits into tuples of application entries. ::
appsplit = (True|False)
default := False
For example: ::
results for *True* in: ::
(lfsys, '', '', '/my/path/a')
Delete empty search paths.
default := True
Escapes backslash.
default := False
Modifies the behavior of 'strip' parameter.
If 'False', the trailing separator is dropped. ::
splitapppathx('/a/b', keepsep=False) => ('', 'a', 'b')
splitapppathx('/a/b/', keepsep=False) => ('', 'a', 'b')
for 'True' trailing separators are kept as directory
splitapppathx('/a/b', keepsep=True) => ('', 'a', 'b')
splitapppathx('/a/b/', keepsep=True) => ('', 'a', 'b', '')
default := False # for URIs except file://, smb://
default := True # for file path names
Calls *normapthx()* on path-part. ::
normpathx := (
True # call normpathx
| False # do not normalize
default := True
Replaces path separator set by the *spf*, e.g. for a URI
pathlist from an alternate platform. The resulting path
separator selects the type of the scanner *APPPATHSCANNER*. ::
pathsep := (';' | ':')
Displays a list of unaltered split path items, superposes 'rpath'
and 'rtype'. ::
raw = (True|False)
default := False
Displays the path as provided raw sub string.
For further details refer to 'splitapppathx'
`[see] <#split-appprefix>`_. ::
rpath = (True|False)
Displays the type prefix as provided raw sub string.
For further details refer to 'splitapppathx'
`[see] <#split-appprefix>`_. ::
rtype = (True|False)
Source platform, defines the input syntax domain.
For the syntax refer to API in the manual at :ref:`spf <OPTS_SPF>`.
For additi0onal details refer to
:ref:`tpf and spf <TPF_AND_SPF>`,
`paths.getspf() <paths.html#getspf>`_,
:ref:`normapppathx() <def_normapppathx>`,
`normpathx() <paths.html#normpathx>`_.
Validates for the target OS/FS, throws exception when invalid
characters are contained.
Strips null-entries.
default := True
Source platform, defines the input syntax domain.
For the syntax refer to the API in the manual at :ref:`tpf <OPTS_TPF>`.
For additi0onal details refer to
:ref:`tpf and spf <TPF_AND_SPF>`,
`paths.gettpf() <paths.html#gettpf>`_,
:ref:`normapppathx() <def_normapppathx>`,
`normpathx() <paths.html#normpathx>`_.
Unescapes backslash.
default := False
When split successful returns a list of tuples: ::
appsplit == False
appsplit == True
(TYPE, host-name, share-name, pathname),
The tuple contains: ::
(TYPE, host-name, share-name, pathname)
TYPE := (raw|cifs|smb|share|http|https|lfsys|rfsys|ldsys)
raw := (<raw-pathvar-item>)
cifs := ('cifs://')
smb := ('smb://')
share := ('file:///'+2SEP|'file://'+2SEP|2SEP)
rfsys := ('file://')
lfsys := ('file://'|'')
ldsys := [a-z]':'
http := ('http://')
https := ('http://')
host-name := (host-name|'')
share-name := (valid-share-name|'')
valid-share-name := (
| cifs-share-name
| win-drive-share-name
| win-drive-os
| win-special-share-name
pathname := "pathname on target"
raw := ('raw', '', '', raw-pathvar-item)
rpath := (TYPE, host-name, share-name, raw-pathname)
rtype := (raw-type, host-name, share-name, pathname)
rtype + rpath := (raw-type, host-name, share-name, raw-pathname)
For compatibility the URI for http/https adds one item
'query+fragment', while the share remains empty. ::
('http' | 'https') := (TYPE, host-name, '', pathname, query+fragment)
else: ::
('lfsys', '', '', apstr)
The hostname may contain in current release
any suboption, but is not tested with options at all.
_delnulpsep = kargs.get('delnulpsep', True) #: remove resulting empty entries
_normpathx = kargs.get('normpathx', True) # : calls normapthx() on path-part
apppre = kargs.get('apppre', False)
appsplit = kargs.get('appsplit', False) # : control application tuples, else ordinary path
raw = kargs.get('raw', False) # : control raw
rpath = kargs.get('rpath', False) # : control RAW-PATH
rtype = kargs.get('rtype', False) # : control RAW-TYPE
strict = kargs.get('strict', False) # : validate and raise if not valid
# platform path types
# the source platform - selects the type of the scanner - APPPATHSCANNER,
# thus has to be defined here - independent from the actual input data
# the inpur of platform independent types is handled correctly on each platform anyway, e.g. URI
spf = kargs.get('spf', '') # : control input domain - has precedence for apppathx parser selection
ssep, pathsep, _spf, _input = getspf(spf) # @UnusedVariable
pathsep = kargs.get('pathsep', pathsep) # alter when provided
# the target platform - delayed for the default to keep the tpe of platform
_tpf_each = False #: set tpf for each in mixed search path
# set parser for apppathx - the pathsep is actually the only difference
if pathsep[0] is ':':
elif pathsep[0] is ';':
# should never occur - for now going ahead...
if RTE & RTE_WIN32:
ret = [] # : collect result
g = 0 # : preserve for final analysis outside the loop
def getraw(i, g):
"""Get raw string.
i: iterator
g: current group
(s,e): for sub string
# get start string position without APP-PREFIX
s = i.start(g + 1)
if s == -1:
s = i.start(g + 2)
if s == -1:
s = i.start(g + 3)
# get end string position
e = i.end(g + 3)
if e == -1:
e = i.end(g + 2)
if e == -1:
e = i.end(g + 1)
return (
e, )
def _validate(plst):
for x in plst:
if _output & RTE_POSIX:
raise PathError(
"""rte=%s - target-platform:RTE_POSIX(%s) - invalid tpf char(\\0) = '%s'""" % (
str(num2rte.get(_output, _output)),
elif _output & RTE_WIN32:
raise PathError(
"""rte=%s - target-platform:RTE_WIN32(%s) - invalid tpf char(:<>*?) = '%s'""" % (
str(num2rte.get(_output, _output)),
elif _output & RTE_GENERIC and INVALIDCHARS.search(x):
raise PathError(
"""rte=%s - target-platform:RTE_GENERIC(%s) - invalid tpf char(:<>*?\\0) = '%s'""" % (
str(num2rte.get(_output, _output)),
# else: let the OS decide...
if not spath: # shortcut for empty _input - None and 0/length-string
if not appsplit:
return []
if raw:
return [('raw', '', '', '')]
if rtype or (rpath and rtype):
return [('', '', '', '')]
return [('lfsys', '', '', '')]
for i in _appparser.finditer(spath):
for g in APPPATHINDEX: # do this for getting the syntax term
_cur = None
if i.start(g) == -1: # if there is a match at all
if g == 92: # EMPTY: shortcut for empty group == empty path entry
if raw: # raw prio higher
_cur = ('raw', '', '', '')
elif rtype or (rpath and rtype):
_cur = ('', '', '', '')
# elif rpath:
_cur = ('lfsys', '', '', '')
elif i.group(g + 3) or i.group(g): # 4:local file system / 0:uri or IEEE/UNC/SMB
if raw:
# _cur = ('raw', '', '', pathvar[i.start(g):i.end(g + 3)])
ret.append(('raw', '', '',
spath[i.start(g):i.end(g + 3)]))
elif rtype and rpath or rtype:
if g is 52:
# **uri**
_cur = [i.group(g), i.group(g + 1), '', i.group(g + 2),
i.group(g + 3)]
#check registered
_cur[0] = APPTYPES_L2[i.group(g)][0]
except KeyError:
# non-registered
raise FileSysObjectsError("URI not supported: " + str(i.group(g)))
if not _cur[-1]:
_cur[-1] = ''
_cur = (i.group(g), i.group(g + 1), i.group(g + 2),
i.group(g + 3))
# elif rpath:
_cur = ['', i.group(g + 1), i.group(g + 2), i.group(g + 3)]
if g is 36:
# **smb**
_cur[0] = APPTYPES_L2.get(
i.group(g), APPTYPES[int((g - 4) / 8)])[0]
elif g is 52:
# **uri**
#check registered
_cur[0] = APPTYPES_L2[i.group(g)][0]
except KeyError:
# non-registered
raise FileSysObjectsError("URI not supported: " + str(i.group(g)))
#_cur[0] = re.sub(r':/*', '', i.group(g))
_cur.insert(2, '') # dummy-share for compatibility of path position, extends 1 field
if not _cur[-1]:
_cur[-1] = ''
_cur[0] = APPTYPES[int((g - 4) / 8)]
_cur = tuple(_cur)
elif i.group(g + 2): # 2:DOS-SC_DRIVE - only
if raw:
# _cur = ('raw', '', '', pathvar[i.start(g):i.start(g + 3)])
ret.append(('raw', '', '',
spath[i.start(g):i.start(g + 3)]))
elif rtype and rpath or rtype:
_cur = (i.group(g), i.group(g + 1), i.group(g + 2), '')
if g is 36:
# **smb**
_a = APPTYPES_L2.get(i.group(g), APPTYPES[int((g - 4) / 8)])
_a = APPTYPES[int((g - 4) / 8)]
_cur = (_a, i.group(g + 1), i.group(g + 2), '')
elif not i.group(g + 1): # here: 0,1,2,3 => empty group
_cur = ('lfsys', '', '', '')
continue # should not occur, anyhow...
# post processing on prepared match - includes the processing of the path
if _cur:
gsepback = ''
if i.start(g) > 0: # look back
gsepback = i.string[i.start(g) - 1]
if _input & RTE_POSIX and not _input & RTE_WIN32 \
and g in (60, 68, 76): # DOSDRIVE
# Posix: ignore drives and uses 'colon' as separator
if raw:
ret.append(('raw', '', '', _cur[2] + _cur[3]))
elif pathsep == ";":
# selected by option 'pathsep'
# anyhow, posix does not know anything about drives
ret.append(('lfsys', '', '', _cur[2] + _cur[3]))
# treat drive as path
ret.append(('lfsys', '', '', _cur[-2][0]))
# treat path on drive still as path
ret.append(('lfsys', '', '', _cur[-1]))
elif _input & (RTE_POSIX | RTE_WIN32) == (RTE_POSIX
| RTE_WIN32):
# both: Posix and Win, reserved sep and pathsep for both,
# app-tags are still valid
elif _input & RTE_GENERIC:
# simple character split, but keeps app-URIs
if g in (60, 68, 76): # DOSDRIVE - ignores DOS drives
if not gsepback or gsepback in pathsep: # first or prefix-sep
ret.append(('lfsys', '', '', _cur[-2][0]))
elif gsepback not in pathsep: # have s.th. to concat
ret[-1] = list(ret[-1])
ret[-1][-1] += gsepback + _cur[-2][0]
ret[-1] = tuple(list(ret[-1]))
if ':' not in pathsep:
# append path too
# TODO: speedup
ret[-1] = list(ret[-1])
ret[-1][-1] += ':' + _cur[-1]
ret[-1] = tuple(list(ret[-1]))
else: # treat path on drive still as path
ret.append(('lfsys', '', '', _cur[-1]))
elif gsepback:
if gsepback in pathsep:
if _cur[3]:
ret[-1] = list(ret[-1])
kargs['apppre'] = apppre
ret[-1][-1] += gsepback + \
_cur, **kargs)
ret[-1] = tuple(list(ret[-1]))
if ret:
# the target platform - delayed for the default to keep the tpe of platform
tpf = kargs.get('tpf', False)
if not tpf or _tpf_each:
_tpf_each = True
# if none provided, just keep the final input platform
tpf = re.sub(r':.*$', '', ret[-1][0])
tsep, tpsep, _tpf, _output, _apre = gettpf(tpf, apppre=apppre) # @UnusedVariable
kargs['tpf'] = _output
if g == 52:
# *** URI
if not os.path.isabs(ret[-1][3]):
raise FileSysObjectsError("requires absolute path, got: " + str(ret[-1][3]))
kargs['apppre'] = False
kargs['keepsep'] = kargs.get('keepsep', True)
if kargs.get('strip', True):
ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2], normpathx(
ret[-1][3], **kargs), ret[-1][4])
if kargs.get('escape'):
ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2], escapepathx(
ret[-1][3], **kargs), ret[-1][4])
elif kargs.get('unescape'):
ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2], unescapepathx(
ret[-1][3], **kargs), ret[-1][4])
if strict: # validate
# app should be inherently by re
elif g in (
4, 12, 20, 28, #: file-URI,
#*** file-URI
# now correct the temporary spf assignment
# supports by default FILEURI5 and FILEURI,
# when required else the parameters 'spf'
# and 'tpf' has to be used
if not kargs.get('spf'):
if g == 4:
ssep, pathsep, _spf, _input = getspf(spf) # @UnusedVariable
ssep, pathsep, _spf, _input = getspf(spf) # @UnusedVariable
if kargs.get('apppre'):
# create applicationscheme, thus uri with shlashes only
_tpf_old = kargs.get('tpf')
if _output & RTE_URI:
# concrete type of file-uri
kargs['tpf'] = _output
kargs['apppre'] = False
# generic standard URI
kargs['tpf'] = RTE_URI
kargs['apppre'] = False
elif kargs.get('tpf'):
# a tpf provided
_tpf_old = None
# no tpf provided
_tpf_old = None
kargs['tpf'] = RTE
if _normpathx:
if ret[-1][3][:2] in (
'\\\\', ) and (ret[-1][1] or ret[-1][2]):
_np = normpathx(ret[-1][3][1:], **kargs)
_np = normpathx(ret[-1][3], **kargs)
ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2], _np)
if kargs.get('escape'):
ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2],
escapepathx(ret[-1][3], **kargs))
elif kargs.get('unescape'):
ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2],
unescapepathx(ret[-1][3], **kargs))
if strict: # validate
# app should be inherently by re
if _tpf_old:
kargs['tpf'] = _tpf_old
elif g in (
36, #: TODO: implement complete spec. SMB/CIFS
#*** file-URI, SMB/CIFS
if kargs.get('apppre'):
# create applicationscheme, thus uri with shlashes only
_tpf_old = kargs.get('tpf')
kargs['tpf'] = 'uri'
kargs['apppre'] = False
elif kargs.get('tpf'):
# a tpf provided
_tpf_old = kargs['tpf']
kargs['tpf'] = 'uri'
# no tpf provided
_tpf_old = None
kargs['tpf'] = RTE
if _normpathx:
if ret[-1][3][:2] in (
'\\\\', ) and (ret[-1][1] or ret[-1][2]):
_np = normpathx(ret[-1][3][1:], **kargs)
_np = normpathx(ret[-1][3], **kargs)
ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2], _np)
if kargs.get('escape'):
ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2],
escapepathx(ret[-1][3], **kargs))
elif kargs.get('unescape'):
ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2],
unescapepathx(ret[-1][3], **kargs))
if strict: # validate
# app should be inherently by re
if _tpf_old:
kargs['tpf'] = _tpf_old
if _normpathx:
if ret[-1][3][:2] in (
'\\\\', ) and (ret[-1][1] or ret[-1][2]):
# network share UNC/POSIX-app
_np = normpathx(ret[-1][3][1:], **kargs)
# source is ordinary local file
_np = normpathx(ret[-1][3], **kargs)
# simpler than genric check and query for drive+path
if (
kargs['tpf'] in (RTE_CNW, RTE_CNP, RTE_LOCAL)
and _np == '.'
and ret[-1][2]
_np = ''
ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2], _np)
if kargs.get('escape'):
ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2],
escapepathx(ret[-1][3], **kargs))
elif kargs.get('unescape'):
ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0], ret[-1][1], ret[-1][2],
unescapepathx(ret[-1][3], **kargs))
if strict: # validate
# app should be inherently by re
if apppre and ret[-1][3][0] not in ('/', '\\'):
raise PathError("requires absolute path, got: " + str(ret[-1][3]))
if _delnulpsep and ret:
for l in reversed(ret):
if l[-1] or l[-2]:
#* the case empty group regexpr at the end of the search path else complicates the regexpr at all
# empty group at the end of string
if not _delnulpsep and i.end(g - 1) < len(
i.string) and i.string[-1] in pathsep:
if raw:
ret.append(('raw', '', '', ''))
elif rtype:
ret.append(('', '', '', ''))
ret.append(('lfsys', '', '', ''))
if not _tpf_each:
_tpfin = kargs.get('tpf', False)
if _tpfin:
tsep, tpsep, _tpf, _output, _apre = gettpf(_tpfin, apppre=apppre) # @UnusedVariable
if not appsplit: # ordinary pathsplit
_ret = []
if raw:
_ret = map(lambda x: x[3], ret)
else: # expects 'rtype', and valid entries
for r in ret:
if not os.path.abspath(r[3]):
raise FileSysObjectsError("requires absolute path, got: " + str(r[3]))
if _tpf_each:
tsep, tpsep, _tpf, _output, _apre = gettpf(r[0], apppre=apppre) # @UnusedVariable
_ret.append(join_apppathx_entry(r, tpf=_output, apppre=apppre))
return _ret
return ret
[docs]def splitapppathx_getlocalpath(elems, **kargs):
"""Joins application elements to a path for local access.
Elements as provided by 'splitapppathx'
Target platform for the file pathname, for details refer to
:ref:`normpathx() <def_normpathx>`.
When successful the local access path, else None.
passed through exceptions
_tpf = kargs.get('tpf', False)
if _tpf in (
'win', ):
s = '\\'
elif _tpf == 'posix':
s = '/'
s = os.sep
ret = ''
if not elems or type(elems) not in (
list, ) or len(elems) < 4:
raise FileSysObjectsError('Incompatible input:' + str(elems))
if elems[1]:
if not elems[2]:
if RTE & RTE_WIN32 and elems[0].upper() not in ('smb', 'share'):
raise AppPathError("Missing share name for start=" +
ret += 2 * s + elems[1]
if elems and len(elems) > 1:
if elems[1]:
ret += s + elems[2]
ret += elems[2]
if elems and ret:
if (elems[1] or elems[2]) and elems[3][0] not in ('/', '\\', os.sep):
ret += s + elems[3]
ret += elems[3]
elif elems:
ret += elems[3]
return ret
[docs]def gettop_from_pathstring(spath, plist=None, **kargs):
"""Searches for a partial path *spath* in a list of
search paths *plist*. The current version supports for
pure in-memory evaluation of literals and regexpr.
The following example of input with default parameters ::
spath := 'a/b/c'
plist := [
results in the first match: ::
result := '/my/path/a/c/x/y/a/b/c'
# shortes top-match: '/my/path/a/c/x/y/' + 'a/b/c'
Same for a regular expression: ::
spath := 'a/.*/[cxy]/[def]{1}'
results again in: ::
result := '/my/path/a/c/x/y/a/b/c'
The match is performed by the re module based on *re.split*
spanning multiple directories in case of reguar expressions.
Thus the expressions require some caution when constraints
are required. The function itself serves as a framework
providing parameterization of the match criteria.
A path to be appended to an item from 'plist'.
List of search strings to be extended
by the subpath *spath*.
default := sys.path
Returns the insertion point of *spath* without
the *spath* itself.
Keeps significant separators, e.g. a trailing 'os.sep'.
default := True
Use the n-th match of the resulting path component only.
The path component excludes the authority and share for
network paths. ::
matchidx := #idx:
0 <= idx ; first match
* Ignore matches for '*< #idx*'
* return match for '*== #idx*', and stop search
default := 0 # first match
Depends on *reverse*.
Replaces the path separator set by the *spf*. ::
pathsep := (';' | ':')
Sets and activates scope and type of match pattern.
The pattern is matched node-by-node for each
corresponding directory level: ::
pattern := (literal | regexpr)
* *literal*:
Match literally. Pattern are treated as characters.
* *regexpr*:
Match regular expression for individual nodes,
implies no contained reserved characters of the
current file system, so 'os.sep' and no 'os.pathsep'.
default := literal
Suppress normalization by call of
This reverses the resulting search order
from bottom-up to top-down. Takes effect on
'redundant' only.
Returns the path prefix matched on the search list,
and the relative sub path outside the search list
as a tuple. ::
split := (True | False)
For example the input: ::
spath := 'a/b/c'
plist := [
results in: ::
result := ('/my/path/a/c/x/y', 'a/b/c')
Source platform, defines the input syntax domain.
For the syntax refer to API in the manual at :ref:`spf <OPTS_SPF>`.
For additi0onal details refer to
:ref:`tpf and spf <TPF_AND_SPF>`,
`paths.getspf() <paths.html#getspf>`_,
:ref:`normapppathx() <def_normapppathx>`,
`normpathx() <paths.html#normpathx>`_.
Strips null-entries.
default := True
Source platform, defines the input syntax domain.
For the syntax refer to the API in the manual at :ref:`tpf <OPTS_TPF>`.
For additi0onal details refer to
:ref:`tpf and spf <TPF_AND_SPF>`,
`paths.gettpf() <paths.html#gettpf>`_,
:ref:`normapppathx() <def_normapppathx>`,
`normpathx() <paths.html#normpathx>`_.
When successful returns by default the expanded pathname, else None.
The return value in case of success depends on the parameters:
* if *split == True*: returns a *tuple* ::
result = (result[0], result[1],)
result[0]: The matched path including the resolved searched sub-path *spath*.
result[1]: The remainder.
* if *split == True* and *hook == True*: returns a *tuple* ::
result = (result[0], result[1], result[2],)
result[0]: The matched path excluding the sub-path *spath*.
result[1]: The resolved searched sub-path *spath*.
result[2]: The remainder.
* else: returns an *str* ::
result = <str>
* if *hook == True*:
The matched path excluding the sub-path *spath* and an
evtl. present remainder.
* else:
A string of the matched path including the resolved
searched sub-path *spath*, excluding an evtl. present
if plist == None:
plist = sys.path
elif type(plist) != list:
raise AppPathError("Requires list argument:" + str(plist))
_hook = kargs.pop('hook')
except KeyError:
_hook = False
_rev = kargs.pop('reverse')
except KeyError:
_rev = False
_split = kargs.pop('split')
except KeyError:
_split = False
_strip = kargs['strip']
except KeyError:
_strip = False
matchidx = kargs.pop('matchidx')
if not type(matchidx) is int or matchidx < 0:
raise AppPathError("Requires int>0 matchidx=" + str(matchidx))
except KeyError:
matchidx = 1
_pat = kargs.pop('pattern')
if _pat == 'regexpr':
_pat = 1
# reminder: glob not supported for current release, requires an offline interpreter
# elif v == 'glob':
# _pat = 2
elif _pat == 'literal':
_pat = 0
raise FileSysObjectsError("gettop_from_pathstring:parameter not supported: pattern = " + str(_pat))
except KeyError:
_pat = 0
raw = kargs.get('raw', False)
_keepsep = kargs.get('keepsep', True)
# get spf
_spf = kargs.get('spf', False)
ssep, spsep, _spf, _input = getspf(_spf) # @UnusedVariable
# pathsep = kargs.get('pathsep', spsep)
# get tpf
_tpf = kargs.get('tpf', False)
tsep, tpsep, _tpf, _output, _apre = gettpf(_tpf) # @UnusedVariable
def _comp(p, b):
"""match regexpr
p: regexpr
b: item plist[i][j]
if _pat == 1: # regexpr
if p == '*': # assume a glob expression, thus terminate 're' processing now
pc = re.compile(r'^' + p + r'$')
px = pc.match(b)
if px:
return px.string[px.start():px.end()]
elif _pat == 0: # literal
if p == b:
return b
# define processed portion, save prefix for later prepend on result
if not raw:
# For *spath*, is relative thus cannot be http/https
# _rtype type
# _host: host
# _share: share
# sp: local path
_rtype, _host, _share, sp = splitapppathx(
spath, appsplit=True, spf=_spf, tpf=_tpf, rtype=True,
keepsep=_keepsep, strip=_strip)[0]
_app_prefix = _rtype + _host
if _share:
if _app_prefix:
_app_prefix += ssep + _share
_app_prefix = _share
_app_prefix, sp = '', spath
# normalize search path
# For *spath*
# _sp_elems[0] type
# _sp_elems[1]: host
# _sp_elems[2]: share
# _sp_elems[3]: local path
kargs['keepsep'] = _keepsep
_sp_elems = splitapppathx(sp, appsplit=True, **kargs)[0]
sp = splitapppathx_getlocalpath(_sp_elems, tpf=_tpf)
sp_tmp = sp
sp = sp.split(ssep)
if sp and sp[-1] == '':
sp = sp[:-1]
if sp and sp[0] == '': # is @root
if len(sp) > 1:
_contained = False
for cx in plist: # initially check anchor
_cxe = splitapppathx_getlocalpath(_sp_elems, tpf=_tpf)
if _cxe.startswith(ssep + sp[1]):
_contained = True
if not _contained:
return None
sp = sp[1:]
_maxmatch = 0 # the maximum length of match that actually occured
_currentmatch = [] # stack of current last list
si0 = -1
if _rev:
_pl = reversed(plist[:])
_pl = plist
for sl in _pl:
# scan each path of pathlist(plist) for sp(spath) item-by-item
si0 += 1
_matchidx = matchidx # count the present matches for each search path from plist
if not sl:
# prepare prefix - host and/or share
if not raw: # canonical
# manage app paths - current network only
_elements = splitapppathx(
sl, appsplit=True, spf=_spf, tpf=_tpf, rtype=True)[0]
_prtype, _phost, _pshare, sl, _qufrag = _elements # for http/https
except Exception:
_prtype, _phost, _pshare, sl = _elements # for file systems
_prefix = _prtype + _phost
if _pshare:
if _prefix:
_prefix += tsep + _pshare
_prefix = _pshare
if _app_prefix:
if _app_prefix != _prefix:
_prefix = ''
# apply a regexpr pattern as splitter
_prefix = escapepathx(_prefix, force=True)
sl_esc = escapepathx(sl, force=True)
# the pattern needs twice
regpattern = escapepathx(sp_tmp, _spf, force=True)
regpattern = escapepathx(regpattern, _spf, force=True)
s = re.split(regpattern, sl_esc)
if len(s) < 2 or len(s) -1 < matchidx:
# no match
# length of resulting top-pattern
lx = int((len(sl_esc) - len(''.join(s))) / (len(s) -1))
# the resolved re
sp_resolved = sl_esc[len(s[0]):len(s[0]) + lx]
# prepare join
if sp_resolved[-1] not in ('/', '\\'):
for x in range(len(s)):
if s[x] and s[x][0] not in ('/', '\\'):
s[x] = tsep + s[x]
_r = _prefix
# join as much as requested by matchidx, else the topmost only
if _rev:
lx = len(s) - matchidx #- (s[-1] == '')
if lx <= 0 or lx > len(s):
return None
_j = sp_resolved.join(s[:lx])
if matchidx < 1 or matchidx > len(s):
FileSysObjectsError("out of valid range: matchidx = " + str(matchidx))
# return None
if matchidx == len(s):
# the full string
lx = matchidx - (s[-1] == '')
# proceed as eventually expected
lx = matchidx
if lx == 0:
# simply the first
_j = s[0]
# join the resolved re-split-pattern
_j = sp_resolved.join(s[:lx])
if not _hook:
_j += sp_resolved
remainder = ''
if _split:
if _rev:
remainder = sp_resolved.join(s[len(s) - matchidx:])
remainder = sp_resolved.join(s[matchidx:])
if remainder[0] in ('/', '\\'):
remainder = remainder[1:]
if remainder[-1] in ('/', '\\'):
remainder = remainder[:-1]
if _j:
if _r.startswith('file:'):
if os.path.isabs(sl):
# RFC 8089
# add prefix and absolute path
_r += _j
raise FileSysObjectsError("RFC8089 Requires absolute path, got: " + str(sl))
elif _r.startswith('http:'):
if os.path.isabs(sl):
# RFC 3986
# add prefix and absolute path
_r += _j
raise FileSysObjectsError("RFC3986 Requires absolute path, got: " + str(sl))
elif _sp_elems[0] is not 'lfsys':
join_apppathx_entry((_prtype, _phost, _pshare, sl))
_r += _j
if _r[-1] in ('/', '\\'):
_r = _r[:-1]
_r = unescapepathx(_r, force=True)
if not _split:
return _r
if _hook:
return (_r, sp_resolved, remainder)
return (_r, remainder)
return None
def gettop_from_pathstring_partial_old(spath, plist=None, **kargs):
"""Searches for a partial path *spath* in a list of
search paths *plist*. The current version supports for
pure in-memory evaluation of literals and regexpr.
The following example of input with default parameters ::
spath := 'a/b/c'
plist := [
results in the first match: ::
result := '/my/path/a/c/x/y/a/b/c'
# shortes top-match: '/my/path/a/c/x/y/' + 'a/b/c'
Same for a regular expression: ::
spath := 'a/.*/[cxy]/[def]{1}'
results again in: ::
result := '/my/path/a/c/x/y/a/b/c'
The match is performed by the re module based on *re.split*
spanning multiple directories in case of reguar expressions.
Thus the expressions require some caution when constraints
are required. The function itself serves as a framework
providing parameterization of the match criteria.
A path to be appended to an item from 'plist'.
List of search strings to be extended
by the subpath *spath*.
default := sys.path
Returns the insertion point of *spath* without
the *spath* itself.
Keeps significant separators, e.g. a trailing 'os.sep'.
default := True
Use the n-th match only. ::
matchidx := #idx:
0 <= idx ; first match
* Ignore matches for '*< #idx*'
* return match for '*== #idx*', and stop search
default := 0 # first match
Depends on *reverse*.
Replaces the path separator set by the *spf*. ::
pathsep := (';' | ':')
Sets and activates scope and type of match pattern.
The pattern is matched node-by-node for each
corresponding directory level: ::
pattern := (literal | regexpr)
* *literal*:
Match literally. Pattern are treated as characters.
* *regexpr*:
Match regular expression for individual nodes,
implies no contained reserved characters of the
current file system, so 'os.sep' and no 'os.pathsep'.
default := literal
Suppress normalization by call of
This reverses the resulting search order
from bottom-up to top-down. Takes effect on
'redundant' only.
Returns the path prefix matched on the search list,
and the relative sub path outside the search list
as a tuple. ::
split := (True | False)
For example the input: ::
spath := 'a/b/c'
plist := [
results in: ::
result := ('/my/path/a/c/x/y', 'a/b/c')
Source platform, defines the input syntax domain.
For the syntax refer to API in the manual at :ref:`spf <OPTS_SPF>`.
For additi0onal details refer to
:ref:`tpf and spf <TPF_AND_SPF>`,
`paths.getspf() <paths.html#getspf>`_,
:ref:`normapppathx() <def_normapppathx>`,
`normpathx() <paths.html#normpathx>`_.
Strips null-entries.
default := True
Source platform, defines the input syntax domain.
For the syntax refer to the API in the manual at :ref:`tpf <OPTS_TPF>`.
For additi0onal details refer to
:ref:`tpf and spf <TPF_AND_SPF>`,
`paths.gettpf() <paths.html#gettpf>`_,
:ref:`normapppathx() <def_normapppathx>`,
`normpathx() <paths.html#normpathx>`_.
When successful returns by default the expanded pathname, else None.
The return value in case of success depends on the parameters:
* if *split == True*: returns a *tuple* ::
result = (result[0], result[1],)
result[0]: The matched path including the resolved searched sub-path *spath*.
result[1]: The remainder.
* if *split == True* and *hook == True*: returns a *tuple* ::
result = (result[0], result[1], result[2],)
result[0]: The matched path excluding the sub-path *spath*.
result[1]: The resolved searched sub-path *spath*.
result[2]: The remainder.
* else: returns an *str* ::
result = <str>
* if *hook == True*:
The matched path excluding the sub-path *spath* and an
evtl. present remainder.
* else:
A string of the matched path including the resolved
searched sub-path *spath*, excluding an evtl. present
if plist == None:
plist = sys.path
elif type(plist) != list:
raise AppPathError("Requires list argument:" + str(plist))
_hook = kargs.pop('hook')
except KeyError:
_hook = False
_rev = kargs.pop('reverse')
except KeyError:
_rev = False
_split = kargs.pop('split')
except KeyError:
_split = False
_strip = kargs['strip']
except KeyError:
_strip = False
matchidx = kargs.pop('matchidx')
if not type(matchidx) is int or matchidx < 0:
raise AppPathError("Requires int>0 matchidx=" + str(matchidx))
except KeyError:
matchidx = 1
_pat = kargs.pop('pattern')
if _pat == 'regexpr':
_pat = 1
# reminder: glob not supported for current release, requires an offline interpreter
# elif v == 'glob':
# _pat = 2
elif _pat == 'literal':
_pat = 0
raise FileSysObjectsError("gettop_from_pathstring:parameter not supported: pattern = " + str(_pat))
except KeyError:
_pat = 0
raw = kargs.get('raw', False)
_keepsep = kargs.get('keepsep', True)
# get spf
_spf = kargs.get('spf', False)
ssep, spsep, _spf, _input = getspf(_spf) # @UnusedVariable
pathsep = kargs.get('pathsep', spsep)
# get tpf
_tpf = kargs.get('tpf', False)
tsep, tpsep, _tpf, _output, _apre = gettpf(_tpf) # @UnusedVariable
def _comp(p, b):
"""match regexpr
p: regexpr
b: item plist[i][j]
if _pat == 1: # regexpr
if p == '*': # assume a glob expression, thus terminate 're' processing now
pc = re.compile(r'^' + p + r'$')
px = pc.match(b)
if px:
return px.string[px.start():px.end()]
elif _pat == 0: # literal
if p == b:
return b
# define processed portion, save prefix for later prepend on result
if not raw:
# For *spath*, is relative thus cannot be http/https
# _rtype type
# _host: host
# _share: share
# sp: local path
_rtype, _host, _share, sp = splitapppathx(
spath, appsplit=True, spf=_spf, tpf=_tpf, rtype=True,
keepsep=_keepsep, strip=_strip)[0]
_app_prefix = _rtype + _host
if _share:
if _app_prefix:
_app_prefix += ssep + _share
_app_prefix = _share
_app_prefix, sp = '', spath
# normalize search path
# For *spath*
# _sp_elems[0] type
# _sp_elems[1]: host
# _sp_elems[2]: share
# _sp_elems[3]: local path
kargs['keepsep'] = _keepsep
_sp_elems = splitapppathx(sp, appsplit=True, **kargs)[0]
sp = splitapppathx_getlocalpath(_sp_elems, tpf=_tpf)
sp_tmp = sp
sp = sp.split(ssep)
if sp and sp[-1] == '':
sp = sp[:-1]
if sp and sp[0] == '': # is @root
if len(sp) > 1:
_contained = False
for cx in plist: # initially check anchor
_cxe = splitapppathx_getlocalpath(_sp_elems, tpf=_tpf)
if _cxe.startswith(ssep + sp[1]):
_contained = True
if not _contained:
return None
sp = sp[1:]
_maxmatch = 0 # the maximum length of match that actually occured
_currentmatch = [] # stack of current last list
si0 = -1
if _rev:
_pl = reversed(plist[:])
_pl = plist
for sl in _pl:
# scan each path of pathlist(plist) for sp(spath) item-by-item
si0 += 1
_matchidx = matchidx # count the present matches for each search path from plist
if not sl:
if not raw: # canonical
# manage app paths - current network only
_elements = splitapppathx(
sl, appsplit=True, spf=_spf, tpf=_tpf, rtype=True)[0]
_prtype, _phost, _pshare, sl, _qufrag = _elements # for http/https
except Exception:
_prtype, _phost, _pshare, sl = _elements # for file systems
_prefix = _prtype + _phost
if _pshare:
if _prefix:
_prefix += tsep + _pshare
_prefix = _pshare
if _app_prefix:
if _app_prefix != _prefix:
_prefix = ''
# split the pattern
sl_esc = escapepathx(sl, force=True)
s = re.split(escapepathx(sp_tmp, _spf, force=True), sl_esc)
if len(s) < 2 or len(s) -1 < matchidx:
# no match
# return None
lx = int((len(sl_esc) - len(''.join(s))) / (len(s) -1))
sp_resolved = sl_esc[len(s[0]):len(s[0])+lx]
if sp_resolved[-1] not in ('/', '\\'):
for x in range(1,len(s)):
if s[x] and s[x][0] not in ('/', '\\'):
s[x] = tsep + s[x]
_r = _prefix
# join as much as requested by matchidx
if _rev:
lx = len(s) - matchidx #- (s[-1] == '')
if lx <= 0 or lx > len(s):
return None
_j = sp_resolved.join(s[:lx])
if matchidx < 1 or matchidx > len(s):
return None
if matchidx == len(s):
lx = matchidx - (s[-1] == '')
lx = matchidx
if lx == 0:
_j = s[0]
_j = sp_resolved.join(s[:lx])
if not _hook:
_j += sp_resolved
remainder = ''
if _split:
if _rev:
remainder = sp_resolved.join(s[len(s) - matchidx:])
remainder = sp_resolved.join(s[matchidx:])
if remainder[0] in ('/', '\\'):
remainder = remainder[1:]
if remainder[-1] in ('/', '\\'):
remainder = remainder[:-1]
if _j:
if _r.startswith('file:'):
if os.path.isabs(sl):
# RFC 8089
# add prefix and absolute path
_r += _j
raise FileSysObjectsError("RFC8089 Requires absolute path, got: " + str(sl))
elif _r.startswith('http:'):
if os.path.isabs(sl):
# RFC 3986
# add prefix and absolute path
_r += _j
raise FileSysObjectsError("RFC3986 Requires absolute path, got: " + str(sl))
elif _sp_elems[0] is not 'lfsys':
join_apppathx_entry((_prtype, _phost, _pshare, sl))
_r += _j
if _r[-1] in ('/', '\\'):
_r = _r[:-1]
if not _split:
return _r
if _hook:
return (_r, sp_resolved, remainder)
return (_r, remainder)
return None
[docs]def gettop_from_pathstring_iter(spath, plist=None, **kargs):
"""Iterates all matches in plist,see gettop_from_pathstring.
if plist == None:
plist = sys.path
for pl in plist:
r = gettop_from_pathstring(spath, [pl], **kargs)
if r:
yield r